Monday, March 14, 2011

TFSA Album #2!

That's right, we're writing for the second album!

We just have to print up the first one and get it up on
and also print up the t-shirts.

We worked on two songs tonight!
Both of them were from practice tapes that I played with the guitarist (Robert Scarseth) in my first band Second Thought. We only played the partial songs a few times to record a practice tape, and then we parted. This was in 1992, so I decided to use the partial ideas that we had and flesh them out.
Yes, he will get credit!

So, we recorded drums and guitars for both songs. I think we have all the guitars done, but sometimes we end up adding more.
Greg has a bass idea for one of the songs, and I had to practically force him to let me hear the sounds really cool.

Until next week...


  1. My only question is; Worms Of The Earth this album?

  2. We'll see. It depends on if we write a metal song...because those lyrics are METAL!!!
