Wednesday, April 25, 2012

"Pursuit of Heaviness" is now going to be the new six song Waves of Mercury album!

We decided that the songs were really too serious for The Fairly Secret Army...or at least I least for a full ep that's all metal, it just works better as Waves of Mercury. And when I asked Greg about making it a Waves of Mercury ep, he suggested that we record the Oceans Trilogy along with it. So we will re-record those three songs from the Thousand Suns cd and in the future we will re-record all of the rest of the Thousand Suns songs for another Waves of Mercury cd. Now I have to write metal lyrics! OH DRAT!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Fairly Secret Update...?

We now have a final mix of the third FSA album "That's the Ticket" and the first e.p. "Mountain Man"

There will be two versions of the ep, one on an 80 minute cd with the three songs AND the first hour of the interview.
A digipak version on a 24 minute minidisc. It will have the three songs and two of them as instrumentals and a bonus track called "Tom Bombadil"

"That's the Ticket" will be on bandcamp soon.
"Mountain Man" will be on bandcamp, but only the three songs with vocals and Tom Bombadil will be on bandcamp.

We are two songs into the next ep "The Pursuit of Heaviness!"
We have everything but the vocals for the first song, and drums and half the guitars for the second song.
If I thought the first song sounded like MY Dying Bride, the second one sounds like we stole riffs and harmonies right from under them!

For the third ep, "Roughing up the Suspect", Greg wants to switch what we do...he would sing and play drums and I would play guitar and bass!
It's gonna be a nightmare...and we'll record it for posterity.

"Keep it secret..."