Tuesday, May 31, 2011


The Fairly Secret Army - "We miss the cold war" - four songs finished, one song with drums and guitars...and one partial idea of a song.

Waves of Mercury - "The Great Darkness" - just need to make copies and post on bandcamp.

Waves of Mercury - "The Letters" - two songs need vocals, one needs lyrics and then a final mix.

Post-Black Metal emo shoegazer project #1 - this is with Jeff Philips, we have two songs mostly arranged and he's coming up with ideas all the time. We'll probably both sing one this project.

Post-Black Metal emo shoegazer project #2 - I have one song finished, except for how I want the bridge section. I'm playing guitar, bass and drums on this one...yep, that's right, GUITAR! I think Cory might do vocals, but I'll have to hear first if he does them like I want.

Tragedy struck last week in the form of a recorder that doesn't have a line out that works, a sound card that records louder on the left side and to top it all off, none of it needed to happen, I was just too anal about extra noise while recording bass! You wouldn't have even heard the minimal noise, because it was practically non-existent!

So an update of the recording process will be happening soon, but who knows when?

until my next life...?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Letters

I added reverb to all the drums and added some vocal harmonies to a couple of songs yesterday.

I have to do vocals to two songs, maybe re-record the drums on "December" and then do a final check on the mixes.

...and then it's done!

Then we move onto the artwork, making copies and putting it on bandcamp.com

until monday...?

Saturday, May 14, 2011

May 16th? Will TFSA march again?

Greg will be back from Spain on Sunday...but I doubt he'll want to play on Monday.

After a grueling 3 week vacation, he'll have to unpack...oh the horror!

Anyway, I'm excited about getting started again. I slacked off during the break. I should have been mixing and singing more, but I didn't ...I suck.

until next, time?