Monday, February 7, 2011

TFSA goes metal...and I mean Sword & Sorcery METAL!

I recorded the drums to our 6th track tonight.
I already have lyrics for this on, it's called "Vengeance is Paid"

Oh yeah baby!

I also decided that people who I let her songs as they are finished, will only get to hear up to the first four...otherwise there is no surprise! Sorry Ben, but I'm cutting you off, but you only have three more weeks until we're done.

Anyway, it took me about twenty or more takes to get the drum part, and even then, I decided to replay certain sections and cut and paste, but now it sound fantastic and you can't tell where the cuts are.
This was a pretty hard song to write and record in one night, but we did it...well at least the drums are done.

We also recorded bass for the 5th song "Common Sense" and I redid the bridge vocals. That song is now finished.

I also finished the Complete Recording History of the Beatles today. It was interesting, but not as interesting as I had hoped. But it did help me like them WAY MORE than I had.

Until next week...


  1. oh yeah, Vengeance is Paid has an ENDLESS feel to it...thought that might get someone excited.


    It's going to be a long wait, but I'm sure worth it.

  3. Not that long...and it's gonna rock your socks off!

  4. Thus far the socks have not only been rocked off, but burned and that ashes spread to the four winds. THAT is how powerful Fairly Secret Army has been.
