Tuesday, January 11, 2011


The song is called "Fairly Secret Attack"

Greg and I got together on Jan 10th at about 6:30.
I showed him the arrangement on guitar, and we adjusted the bridge and the verse parts.

We went over the song with guitar & drums about six times before we began recording.

I nailed the drums in ONE TAKE! Which is amazing, because I never do that.

Then we dumped the drums to the computer and began recording guitars. After a few minutes (2o) we had our sound (ie. No reverb was the key!) and started recording guitar.
Greg has a problem with the bridge... going to the highest chord. But that was really the only problem, beside him not really playing guitar in a while (I will note that it has been about 18 months since I recorded drums...and I got it in one!)

We added a few harmonies and extra guitars and then after about an hour and a half, we were done with them.

He tried to record using the four string Ibanez bass, but it has a short, so the six string fretless came out. We recorded through the mixing board, not his bass head. He did up until the bridge, but then suddenly stopped! I was like "What the hell!?"
He made a change in the bridge and basically was done on the second take.

I recorded all the vocals on Tuesday. Started at 5:30 and finished at 8pm. I had to write the chorus and the bridge lyrics as I went along, but it worked out great. I had the two verses already written.
The verses are single vocal parts, but the chorus has some harmonies in it.
I tried some more harmonies, but that was getting REALLY high and it didn't sound quite right.

I would say this is a good start.

Until next week...

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