Sunday, January 18, 2015




It's been so long since I wrote on here. I guess because I know not a lot of people read it, but that shouldn't matter really. I mean, there aren't a lot of people listening to my recorded music either, but I still do that all the time. I want to do this at least weekly, so we'll see?

So far 2015 has been pretty shitty.

I am having back pain, leg pain and my foot has lost half it's movement! And my insurance (if I kept it) would have went from $170 a month to $320 a month! Fuck that noise!
I was ok with being with insurance for a little while, but then the whole back/leg/foot thing happened, so now there is more of a rush to get insurance again.
So we'll see how that goes!

How's Work?

I can't complain. I go to a job I like being at, have a great boss and co-workers, the owners are super cool, and the customers are awesome! I have met a lot of really great people in that store. My life would be totally different if I didn't work there. A lot of my friends are people I work/worked with or came in as customers and got to know. I have no idea what I would be doing for a job if I didn't work there, so I am really grateful for that.
The pain makes things a little difficult these days, and there have been a few weeks of problems with sickness or vehicles being a pain in the ass, but we get through and work together like a family...a slightly dysfunctional family?


I haven't really talked to Ben since the "friend divorce", but I do still read his blog when he does it. It's funny, because I have stopped hanging out with friends before, but never really been "dumped" by a friend, so it's a weird feeling even two years after it happens. I know we'll never be friends again, not because I didn't try to patch things up, but because sometimes you just have to know when to quit.

My super awesome girlfriend is still super awesome! I think I'll promote her soon! 

Nuff said!

Music music I hear music, music I hear music music, music oh oh oh lord! Music over my head!

 By the way, all the recordings are available for "name your price" on bandcamp...but feel free to download for free! We'd rather have people listen for free!!!

The Stolen Picassos ...are here to stay!
This is a recording project masterminded by Dave "US" Martin and helped see the light of day with me on long weekends with Dave driving in from Illinois to have intense recording sessions before the weekend is over!
The first album is finish (see the page) and the second is going to be recorded in April...probably?
There is also talk of a third one also being recorded in 2015...because we're either on fire or crazy ...or both!

My Famous Mistake
Glen and I have finished the first ep (also available on and I think we may be finished with the second?
I don't know, because right now he's on some cruise ship getting scurvy.

The Fairly Secret Army
Well, it was a good run. We have one last album (still working on those damn vocals) and then that is done.
Greg now has three kids, so I won't be doing any music with him for at least 12 years.
The last album "Bombs Away" I think may be the best? It will have an awesome cover by Bernie Mireault, so what's not to like? Oh yeah, you haven't heard it ...believe me, it's gonna rock!

Waves of Mercury
There was talk about re-recording the Thousands Suns album, but kids and my non-interest of metal has ended that.

David Edward & the Same Difference

Yep, I choke Bears!
This is the "solo" project! It's slow going, but I have one song finished and about five or six partial songs written.
This is so new, it doesn't have a facebook or bandcamp page!

Stay tuned.

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