So last year really kinda kicked my ass emotionally...and this year isn't much better yet.
Let's run down some things: calling it "Fuck you life!"
June 25th i get an email saying my marriage is over...but she will have to live with me until she finds a place.
End of September she finally moves out.
July my nephew moves in and i think it's gonna be great, but he has problems with chemicals and makes for a hard person to live with.
August i join an online dating site and talk to a few ladies. I meet one on September 8th, fall madly and don't meet someone else i probably should have. Ignore a ton of red flags from her and from me (ie. things I know I wouldn't be comfortable with once emotions got involved)
Two days after Christmas i get another email from the girlfriend breaking up with me. Classy. Hey ladies, grow a pair and break up with us in person.
I see her that Sunday, we "talk" watch Doctor Who and "talk" some more...that's the last I see of her. It was good closure, but I'm still bitter about things and I start questioning the honesty of the relationship...because I'm like Cusack in High Fidelity.
I get bitter and snarky and she unfriends me on friendface.
Since then I have been pretty good with forgetting about her. I have found out things that kinda hurt, but I am moving on.
I jumped back onto the dating site and met an awesome lady who I am now pretty good friends with. She's a fucking blast to hang out with and has some really cool friends. She also knows my friend Ron, and we've seen a few shows together.
We're gonna break her board game cherry soon!
At times I don't know if i really care for a relationship right now, but I am optimistic. We'll see. No settling though, I've done enough of that with past relationships!
As of yesterday, my nephew moved out into an apartment with his girlfriend. I hope they make it work, because they are a cute couple. And I wish them all the best of luck.
We had a really good talk about a week ago, and i can say that I still love him with all my heart. Nothing that has happened while living together will ever change that.
Which leads me to the new predicament roommate!
Well one guy was gonna move in, but he got flaky and I 'm glad he's not moving in now.
So I was gonna struggle to pay bills and make it work, hoping to find a new roommate soon, but not counting on it.
Today i get a call from my friend who i met while working at the booze shop and he asks if I'm gaming today?
I tell him "No, I'm going to
Into the Void records in St. Paul, because i have blood money to use for a last music spree before the first of March, because i don't have a roommate...are you looking for a place?"
He says "Yeah, I think I am."
Things aren't set in stone, but i think he'll be a great roommate. He's a gamer and we like a lot of the same music.
So i should know 100 % by the end of this week. Wish me luck.
Onto cool things:
We have done 18 Careers in Evil podcasts! Which you can find
And this is number 18 :
I am super "stoked" to do more, but I've been fairly busy lately.
And as for my last music spree...I got:
Four Ancestors cds
three Lord Weird Slough Feg cds
Graveyard cd!
And residing currently in the "where are they now" file:
Waves of Mercury has one song complete. One song that is about 90% complete vocally and two other songs that are at about 20% complete with vocals.
Fairly Secret Army has 7 songs that need lyrics and vocals for the "roughing up the Suspect" album and one of the two songs of the "Gathering Horses" single has 90% of the vocals finished.
All the music for these projects are complete, just waiting for that silly singer!
The project with Tanya and Grayson has one song with drums and bass...she has lyrics and melodies, but nothing else has happened since than. You know, break ups, work, sickness, life, cd releases and other recordings all got in the way...?
I am hoping that the rest of the year is good and i will be writing here more.
...are you happy Ben?