Tuesday, May 31, 2011


The Fairly Secret Army - "We miss the cold war" - four songs finished, one song with drums and guitars...and one partial idea of a song.

Waves of Mercury - "The Great Darkness" - just need to make copies and post on bandcamp.

Waves of Mercury - "The Letters" - two songs need vocals, one needs lyrics and then a final mix.

Post-Black Metal emo shoegazer project #1 - this is with Jeff Philips, we have two songs mostly arranged and he's coming up with ideas all the time. We'll probably both sing one this project.

Post-Black Metal emo shoegazer project #2 - I have one song finished, except for how I want the bridge section. I'm playing guitar, bass and drums on this one...yep, that's right, GUITAR! I think Cory might do vocals, but I'll have to hear first if he does them like I want.

Tragedy struck last week in the form of a recorder that doesn't have a line out that works, a sound card that records louder on the left side and to top it all off, none of it needed to happen, I was just too anal about extra noise while recording bass! You wouldn't have even heard the minimal noise, because it was practically non-existent!

So an update of the recording process will be happening soon, but who knows when?

until my next life...?

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