Wednesday, July 14, 2010

TORI...and the three.

So, I've been listening to Tori Amos for the last few days...

The funny thing about her music, is that I connect it with three ex-girlfriends.
I don't think of them in a negative way, not in the makes me miss them.

I miss them as friends, not lovers, but as people who's company I miss incredibly.

I get nostalgic and think of my time with each of them, how much I miss each of them and wish to talk to them.
The sad thing is that two have passed and the other is probably forever gone away...although I have tried to find her...silly social networks don't work if the person you want to say "hi" to isn't on them.

It may sound that I'm unhappy with my wife, but that isn't the case. I have never been happier.
I just miss my friends.

So I listen to Tori...sometimes I cry, sometimes I sing, and sometimes I'm inspired to write lyrics. Lyrics about the three friends I miss.


  1. I hear you. Sometimes I find that I don't so much long for those people, but more so that time. That moment that I want preserved in amber so I can revisit it on my terms.

    The problem I find is that most the time I have glossed over the bad in the warm afterglow of rememberance and made the bad seem like a series of tortuous events which they were not.

    Life moves forward my friend. We have to find new friends to fill old roles at the ole' Round Table. It doesn't make that time spent any less important or any less special, or denegrate those relationships it's just that we change, evolve, and move in different directions. The only constant is that change. So when you go back and try to find someone who you've lost contact with it's hard to see them in this new light, they are forever trapped in that prizm of your memory of who they were.

    Find joy in the memory of what was, build today the memories of tomorrow, and look forward to what the future holds...


    Just realize you have a crap ton of friends, sit with your meloncholy for a bit it shall pass, and then go beat off.

    Either one works...

  2. As always...words of wisdom from a true gentlemen.

    My P.L.P. ... Ben
